Livestreams I’ve produced

I began working on livestream productions as a result of limitations imposed by the pandemic. In order to maintain some of the school’s traditions, we had to look for alternatives that could meet our goals and stay within a minimal budget. Every livestream I ran for the school exceeded our expectations. I found myself frequently partnering with the school’s development officer because the livestreams allowed him to show (and not just tell) what was happening in the classrooms. 

As I’ve worked on larger productions the philosophy of maximizing value has remained incredibly important. Those productions specialize in covering remote locations with minimal internet access and my greatest contributions have been developing both hardware and software solutions to those challenges. 

I believe there is tremendous potential for livestreams to connect organizations and schools to their communities. Video productions have been traditionally perceived as a high cost item but with the increased availability of broadcasting technologies, that’s no longer the case. 

Livestreams I’ve worked on.